Fein Angle Grinders and Abrasive Combinations

Why Not Try The Fein CG 15 BL Angle Grinder Along With Our Abrasive Combinations?


When used in combination with our carefully selected range of high-performance abrasives. We can guarantee that the Fein 15 BL Angle Grinders will improve productivity, save time, and increase safety along with providing a reduction in vibration levels and trigger times.

 Fein 15 BL Angle Grinders will provide:

Outstanding service life thanks to the FEIN PowerDrive brushless motor that helps reduce noise and dust levels.

Optimum protection for the motor from aggressive ceramic and mineral dust and therefore a reduction in downtime and maintenance costs.

Fatigue-free working thanks to the narrow body dimensions, compact design, and a well-balanced low weight.

Additional safety with its 2-second brake and a paddle switch option.

Industrial cable H07, length 4m.

Since our inception, MFS has always strived to supply products and services that not only enhance our own profit but which will also contribute to our customers’ profitability and well-being. It’s part of our DNA and this is why still visit and demonstrate to customers today. To quote an old 16th-century proverb “All the proof of a pudding is in the eating” meaning you can only judge the quality and value of something after you have tried, used, or experienced it.

Fein CG15-125BLP 5″ Brushless Paddle Angle Grinder

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Fein CG15-125BL 5″ Brushless Switch Angle Grinder

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Since the beginning, the MFS team has supplied power tools designed with you in mind. This is why we still visit customers today, to demonstrate and provide power tools to ensure they still meet the demands within your industry.