3M™ 155 x 225mm Scotch-Brite™ Hand Pads
Product Overview
A wide range of hand pads designed for manual deburring, cleaning, blending and finishing applications.
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Flexible and conformable Scotchbrite web produces a consistent, repeatable finish without altering the geometry the workpiece.
Can be used by hand, with a hand pad block or on an in-line sander.
Materials: metal, wood, lacquers, ceramics, solid surface, glass, plastics and fibreglass.
7440 Brown AMED: tight, dense and most durable web. Ideal for heavy cleaning, deburring, and finishing. Abrasive mineral: medium grade aluminum oxide.
7446 Dark Grey SCRS: open, aggressive web that is excellent to grain, clean, denib, deburr and finish. Resistant to loading. Abrasive mineral: medium grade silicon carbide.
7447 Maroon AVFN: the most universally used in a variety of applications. Ideal starting point to clean, finish, grain, denib and deburr. Abrasive mineral: very fine grade aluminum oxide.
7448 Grey SULFN: conformable web and finest silicon carbide hand pad available. Excellent for final finishing and light cleaning. Abrasive mineral: ultra fine grade silicon carbide.
7486 Dark Green ACRS: most durable and aggressive pad for quick stock removal. Ideal for removing contaminants and oxides in the most demanding cleaning and finishing applications. Abrasive mineral: coarse grade aluminum oxide.
7496 Light Green AFIN: a general purpose conformable hand pad which gives a slightly coarser finish than the Maroon 7447 hand pad for similar applications. Abrasive mineral: fine grade aluminum oxide.