Victor PNM & PNME Oxy/Propane Cutting Nozzles

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Product Overview

  • Victor PNM and PNME cutting nozzles are of two piece design made up of a brass inner nozzle with splines and a hollow drawn copper outer sheath.


    The major difference between the PNM and PNME nozzle to the ANM type is that a different gas mixing criteria applies, oxy-propane has a lower burning velocity than oxy-acetylene and this requires two things to develop a good flame condition.

    First a turbulence must be created between the inner and outer parts of the nozzle to obtain adequate mixing of the propane and oxygen.

    Secondly the volume of mixed oxy-propane needs to be more than double that of oxy-acetylene for the same usable heat, this is achieved by having very large splines to conduct the greater gas volumes.

    Victor high performance PNM and PNME cutting nozzles are for use with oxy/propane NM type cutting torches and heavy duty type cutting attachments.      

    This general purpose hand cutting oxy-propane nozzles can also be used in cutting machines with NM style heads.

    The PNME extended nozzles are 87mm long and designed for those harder to reach applications.